Jeff Dyck


Vice President, Insurance Advisory


With over 25 years of experience working with business owners and affluent families, I take pride in providing expert advice on risk mitigation, tax strategies, life insurance, and estate planning. By leveraging my relationships with some of Canada’s leading tax and legal practitioners, I am able to work with clients from our Integrated Advisory network to identify opportunities to increase their financial growth and security.

Questions & Answers

What drew you to your career path?

My father was the inspiration for my career in the financial services business. He enjoyed a very successful career in the life insurance business and became the youngest president of a life insurance company in Canada (and still holds this distinction). Our paths varied quite dramatically with the sophistication of planning solutions and product choice - but the underlying reason of why I do what I do is the same: a passion for securing the financial future for families, their businesses, and their charities of choice for generations.

What are some of the key strengths you bring to the WealthCo team?

Knowledge, professionalism, leadership, courtesy, empathy, lightheartedness, and a sense of humour.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I spend as much time as possible with my wife Andrea and my two adult children, doing anything they are up for. I enjoy mountain biking and waterskiing with my friends. Camping with family and friends is my happy place.